
The gospel group Favour has been together for approsimately three years, however, everyone in the group has been singing all of their lives. In this short amount of time they have recorded 12 songs and pressed up the CDs. CD one consists of five songs and is entitled Shawn Upshaw and Favour-Fisherman. The group has produced five program showcases and a number of appearances around the city.

One of their most recent appearances was at Second Ebenezer Church where Rev. Edgar Van is the Senior Pastor. Favour was priviledged to open for the Mighty Clouds of Joy and Lee Williams. This was their biggest performance so far, where they sold over $1300 in tickets for this program.

Favour has a special calling on their lives. The vision is to see people lining up to see this group because of the annointing of the Holy Spirit which rests upon them. Their style of music will open doors to people who never heard music.

Favour’s style of music is Motown Gospel. This concept adds a new flavor of music as it blends the sound of Motown and Gospel lyrics. This sound will open up the doors to music lovers all around the world.